
Showing posts from July, 2022

Summer rain

After days of hiding from the blazing sun Seeking the balm of the cool indoors, The skies relinquish fat drops of rain Releasing fresh scented petrichor. The parched, dry earth is barely wetted By the time the shower is spent The garden still dusty, lies cheated Its thirst short-changed, unquenched. But that brief passing summer shower Signals the heatwave's dwindling force, There's hope tomorrow will be cooler,  That the savage heat has run its course.  © Copyright 2022. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved

Neolithic gardening

There is relatively little research on the ancient history of flowers as their petals were too delicate to survive fossilisation, but it is thought primates evolved in step with the spread of flowering plants. Flowering trees produced edible fruits, which were sought out by climbing primates, and this could be why we have an instinctive attraction to flowers. But when did humans start admiring flowers for their beauty,  rather than as a food source? Who was it, who first looked at a flower,  Admired its beauty,  the delicacy of its blooms, The way it swayed in the breeze, Its bright colour splashed against the green,  And thought of creating a garden?  Who was it, who carefully gathered it,  Digging it out from under the tree, from among the grain, Planting it in a place it could flourish Away from scythes and hungry mouths?  I like to think of that distant ancestor As they sat at the end of a back breaking day Catching their breath at the sight of a f...