Oh let me die a young woman's death
I've been reading old Roger McGough poems recently, and came across his "Let me die a young man's death". It started me thinking about my own death, and hopes for old age, which turned out to be wildly different from his!!!! But thanks for the inspiration Roger. Oh let me die a young woman's death Give me dignity and poise at my final breath, There's no rush mind, for the final page I want to die at a ripe old age. But not gasping and scared in the middle aisle of Lidl, Or reaching for the Tena in a pool of my own piddle, Nor gradually fading away, in a comfy armchair, But still vigorous, sharp, entirely "all there". Let me die in the throes of wild passion, Or dressed in the latest flattering fashion, While baking a cake or taking a hike, Or in the gym on the exercise bike. My ancient voice still strong and loud, No crumbling spine, but tall and proud, Still able to do a full forward bend Flexible and composed until the end. And let them say I...