Driving home from poetry group
I belong to a really lovely poetry group which meets once a month to share poems on the theme agreed upon at the previous meeting. This month was 'Family' a theme I've written many poems about, and yet although I took along two of my own that I'm proud of, I only shared one of them, choosing instead to share three by published poets. Despite the group's support I still suffer from imposter syndrome! Leaving the close-knit circle Of poetry loving friends, Driving back home from Wotton Up the tight zigzags of the Edge, I swallow, yawn, Clearing my ears like a diver resurfacing. Topping the hill, levelling off, I mull over the choices I made this time, Which poems I chose to share, Why my own are always amongst those Which fail to make the cut, Afraid they'll not stand up against the rest. Descending into Uley, Down the twists and turns of Lampern Hill, Towards the reassuring comfort of home, I vow to be braver, to trust in our friendship, To share...