
Showing posts from March, 2019

Be more mermaid

Be more mermaid Today is warm up day for NaPoWriMo (which begins properly tomorrow) and their prompt is to imagine yourself as a historical or mythical figure.  I went for a swim this morning,  so imagining myself as a mermaid seemed appropriate. When I swim I usually concentrate on counting lengths,  watch the time,  get anxious about holding up the other people in my lane.  Today it's Mothers day,  and most of the swimmers must have been visiting or being visited,  as there were very few people in the pool.  This meant I could concentrate on the physical sensaton of swimming,  and let my imagination turn me into a mermaid. As I slip into the water My misshapen toes,  my stiff and stabbing hip Become an irrelevance,  melt into flippers My fingers into paddles. I push off and take my time Each stroke a benediction, Streaming a bow wave behind me. Breaths keep time with each stroke Pulling and pushing, like waves again...

Sunny day haiku

Sunny day haiku I'm probably going to give up trying to write the perfect haiku,  or even a halfway decent one! The format is so concise it's a real challenge making every word earn its place.  But it is just the right length for capturing a single thought. After weeks of rain Parched plant pots crave fresh water Each sun drenched spring day. © Copyright 2019. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved


Brexit There are,  depending on who you ask,  at least five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. I've been through them all in relation to Brexit, at least twice! I'm am emotional wreck,  and Phil (bless him) keeps telling me to let it go,  to move from denial and depression towards acceptance. This poem is far from perfect technically,  but captures my continuing journey to come to terms with Brexit. I began as a passionate supporter, sure of my views, Convinced of my arguments, I followed the news. Then literally sick to my stomach, I cried When the votes were counted. And verified. Since then I've been through all the stages of grief, First stunned disbelief, and shame that our nation Could turn its back on decades of co-operation, Preferring a misguided isolation. Felt the need to break away from party politics Embarrassed at politicians' self seeking tricks Their back stabbing, internal rows relentless, Ca...

Marital routines

Marital routines. It's odd how routines become established,  and taken for granted. They're so habitual,   they're unspoken,  but nevertheless important.  When something happens to disrupt them,  you can feel cheated,  wrong footed. You always come to bed after I'm asleep, It suits us both: I like to read until I'm drowsy, You like to catchup with TV I don't like. It's maybe not all that romantic More old married couple,  than lovers, But waking up next to you feels special, Filled with new day possibilities.  Each morning we make each other drinks - Coffee for me,  tea for you, And chat about this, and that, See where it leads. Just lately our sleep has been disturbed We wake in the night We're careful not to disturb the sleeping partner, Get up alone, make plans, sort out our worries, Watch TV, write poetry, whatever it takes. When I woke this morning you weren't there, I missed you,  and waited. By the t...

Night out in Bristol

Night out in Bristol Living in the countryside it's nice occasionally to get dressed up for a show in town.  Last weekend we went to see Matthew Bourne 's Swan Lake - magnificent and moving,  well worth a trip out to Bristol, even if the rapture is soon brought back down to earth! The crowd roars,  applauds Rises to its feet. It's praise complete, Pours through narrow, constricting doors Outside onto a slick, wet street. Umbrellas, hoods and collars raised Against the fine and misty rain It surges from the rapture,  dazed, Through buzzing throng,  homeward again. Through greasy fug of burger bars "Kebabs!  Pizza! Coke! and Fries!" The nights' sweet melody fragments,  jars Falters like the swan,  and dies. © Copyright 2019. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved


NaPoWriMo Crickey! Another year has flown past and I've just signed up for my second Napowrimo challenge to post a poem a day in the month of April.  I really enjoyed it last year and it freed my mind up to write more.  I've now posted 88 poems on this site - unbelievable! That's one every 4 days on average.  I've found a few gems along the way,  others not so much. Words flow easily From my brain to my fingers Quality sometimes. © Copyright 2019. Chris Auger. All Rights Reserved