
Showing posts from January, 2019

Unfair game

Unfair game I have mixed feelings about the appearance of pheasants in my garden.  They are such beautiful birds, although the one who visits at the moment is a little sartorially challenged, having lost his tail.  But they are only here because of the shooting estate nearby, and I cannot condone the rearing of any animal simply in order that it can be killed for human pleasure. Explosive shots ring out across the valley One two, one two, Left right, left right, Both barrels aimed and discharged At the lumbering, ungainly pheasants Whose slow and noisy take off Bulky silhouette, and straight flight Provide such unfair game. I mourn the loss of so many birds Then consider - Were it not for this so-called sport My garden would lack the beauty of these visitors Who, like fat parsons Wearing their dog collars above russet waistcoats, Slightly bald,  red in the face, Strut their ponderous way Between feeders and water bowl. © Copyright 2019. Chris Auge...

Sugar, sugar

Sugar, sugar Despite knowing I've got to take the risk of diabetes seriously,  I'm finding it hard to forgo sweet things. Over Christmas and New year my good intentions went out the window completely! New year, new start. Maybe. Since the second borderline result I'm monitoring my intake, Choosing food below the magic 5g per 100 Avoiding all the sweet treats. Now I try to get my sugar rush vicariously Feed you the buns, cakes, puddings I love to make,  Buy chocolate for everyone else at Christmas Turn away from the Lindt red wrappers, Choose savouries, not sweets. It doesn't always work. (c) Chris Auger 2019. All rights reserved.